Drupal 7.4 released
Drupal 7.2 and 6.22 released
wget replacement in MAC OS X Server
I have a MAC OS X Server and would like to be able to use "wget" command to download some file using Terminal. However, wget doesn't come with it. So, I checked on Google and found an article about using Curl as a replacement for wget. What you have to do is run command below in Terminal :
echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Then, log out and login again. Now, you can use "wget" command to download file as you normally do. For example, I ran
wget http://pecl.php.net/get/APC-3.1.7.tgz
It will looks like this :
Drupal 6 + Ubercart 2.4 : Display all orders in Order History
Our online store doesn't have real time stock online due to integrated software with POS doesn't finish yet. So, we allow customer to place an order, then, contact them back if we really have those items in stock. We also keep those items waiting for them to pay. The problem is that, many times, customer that placed an order with us just don't want to pay at that time. They ignore it until we cancel that order. Then, they place another order a week later or so. That would be ok if it happens a couple times.
How to install Memcached on CentOS + Memcached PECL (Update : 2011.03.22)
From previous HOW TO - http://www.bxtra.net/Articles/2010-04-27/How-install-Memcached-CentOS-DirectAdmin-installed-Memcached-PECL I just think that I should note an update how to install Memcached so that I, myself, can follow the steps here and get the latest version. The steps are almost exactly to my previous Memcached PECL installed. Only a few changes to install an updated version.
Get Libevent which is require to install Memcached. Their homepage is here -> http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/
Install Apache Solr on Drupal + CentOS
1. Install Java SDK using below command :
yum install java-1.6*
2. Download Apache Solr module from Drupal server. (Do it as you normally do with Drupal)
3. Then, get "SolrPhpClient" and put it under Apache Solr module directory. The directory name must be "SolrPhpClient".
[HOW-TO] Prevent Hotlink in Drupal 6 + Nginx - 2nd Method
After tried [HOW-TO] Prevent Hotlink in Drupal 6 + Nginx for a few days. I found a second method which is very similar to the first method but the different is in valid_referers.
Nginx Vhost configuration file - Protect hotlink (regexp)
Replace Drupal Search Box with Google Adsense Custom Search Module in Drupal 6 + Zen Theme
Drupal search doesn't work well with International language and after a couple years of using it, I decided to try Google Adsense Custom Search Engine. Well, at first, I would like to try just Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) but after reading from a few webpages, they said that both of them are the same. Google CSE will generate regular advertising while Google Adsense CSE will generate advertising that will share some revenue with the website owner. So, why use Google CSE if Google Adsense CSE can do the same while you may get some revenue. (Even it's just a little)
[HOW-TO] Fix problem with Drupal + ImageCache when use Nginx as a reverse proxy
I have set Nginx as a reverse proxy according to this tutorial -> [HOW-TO] Use Nginx as a reverse proxy for DirectAdmin which work fine. Then, I started to use Nginx to serve static files for one vhost which is running Drupal. PHP scripts still send to Apache to process through PHP-FPM. Everything seems to work fine until I found that there is one problem. The problem of images which is process by ImageCache. When I upload image, it doesn't shows as it should be.
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