
Drupal 10 - ECA to Set Media Name automatically when Node update

By BXTra |

I tried to use Media in my new project.  Any files to upload comes directly from scanner with default filename format contain only scanned date. To upload such file, there is nothing meaningful for user to search for to reuse it.  I tried to look for the way to set Media name automatically but I couldn't find it.  Therefore, I turned to ECA which I think this should work for this task.

Drupal Commerce 2 - Create Simple Stock with Custom Module and ECA

By BXTra |

About 2 years ago, I tried Drupal Commerce 2 and the module itself doesn't have comment system that a shop owner can use to make a note to let customer know and customer can also check that note in order information page.  Shop owner can decided to send notification to customer though an Email, if needed.  At that time, I decided to use Drupal Core Comment together with Rules module to create a comment form and use to communicate with customers.

ECA: Event - Condition – Action module, an alternative to Rules module in Drupal 9 / 10

By BXTra |

Many people from Drupal 7 know Rules module which is one of the best module to do so many things with Drupal such as Sending an email to admin when user login, Calculate a value automatically when the form is saved. Even Drupal Commerce and Ubercart in Drupal 7 also implement using Rules module.


jQuery script for swapping images on hover/rollover on Drupal 7 + Views

By BXTra |

I tried to find the way to make do the rollover image using Views but after searching and looking into many websites, it doesn't seem to have clear the instruction how to do it.  So, here is what I did to make it work. First of all, you need to download and install Image URL Formatter here -> http://drupal.org/project/image_url_formatter

1. Create a new content with 2 image fields. The Regular image field and a Rollover image field.

Drupal 7 with Horizonal Login Bar

By BXTra |

In Drupal 7, I would like to have horizontal login block instead of the original one. Searched around and it seems like it's quite difficult to find one. But then, I found it at Victheme.com. It seems to work according to the instruction. However, as misteryes commented on that page that you can type in the password input box and hit Enter in Firefox.  By hitting Enter in Internet Explorer (IE), it will not work. Nothing happen.

Drupal 6 + Permalink Module to show Comment ID in each comment

By BXTra |

With Permalink module, I can have the real link to the comment. Without Permalink, the comment link will not work correctly with multiple comment pages.  It will always link you to the first page of that node (In this case, node 33034) if that comment you are looking for is not on the first page. The comment link will be like below :